Paranormal Pride

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Happy New Year and welcome back from the holidays. The first Paranormal Pride of 2025, our guest is our good friend Lynda Quirino. Lynda is known for her appearances on Paranormal Survivor and co host of Paranormally Speaking on Sundays @ 7 pm eastern. She is also the founder and director of the Georgina Paranormal Society ( She has a great wealth of info to share with us on everything paranormal.

Watch, listen, question and chat at 7 pm Central/8 pm Eastern, on January 6th on The Paranormal Pride Facebook and
YouTube, Denise Pridemore LinkedIn, Bill of Rights Network on Facebook, BoRNTV on Rumble and now on THINGS Network and Temple of Phoenix Rising on Facebook. Now on Dark Realm TV Channel on Roku and Amazon Firestick, or download the Dark Realm TV App to any device.

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