How to Spot Manipulation: 10 Common Tactics

2 months ago

Manual for discussions and debates (Decalogue of logic). The Top 10 Fallacies:
00:20 I. Ad Hominem.
00:51 II. Straw Man Fallacy.
01:41 III. Sequndum Quid (Hasty Generalization).
02:09 IV. Petitio Principii (Begging the Question).
02:40 V. Post hoc ergo popter hoc.
03:09 VI. False Dichotomy .
03:42 VII. Ad Ignorantiam.
04:08 VIII. Onus Probandi (Burden of proof reversal).
04:45 IX. Non Sequitur.
05:21 X. Ad Populum.

In this video, examples and descriptions of the 10 Main Logical Fallacies are created, dramatized within a meeting between the Greek wise man Pythagoras and his students.

#audiobook #history #wisdom #philosophy #logic #foryou #fallacy

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