There is nothing that goes through WHO that is not vetted first by the Gates Foundation

2 months ago

The Sinister Alliance: Fauci and Gates' Plot to Vaccinate the Globe
RFK Jr.: "In 2000, Tony Fauci flew out to Seattle, Washington, and he had this meeting, this very strange meeting in Bill Gates's $85 million mansion on the banks of Lake Washington. And Gates brought him into his library and he said, I want to propose a partnership with you. And the partnership was to try to vaccinate all of humanity."

"And they ended up calling that in 2009, they rechristened the program, the decade of vaccines. Gates went to the UN and gave this speech in which he promised to vaccinate essentially all of humanity with a multiple battery of vaccines by 2020."

"And he began asserting, using his philanthropy to create a series of other quasi-governmental agencies, CEPI, GAVI, and a number of others, and then to gain control of the WHO. And he calls what he does, Phil It's not about philanthropy. It's about enriching the capitalists."

"What he does is he buys, and he does this in a number of areas I show in the book. He does it with food. He did it with the core curriculum. He buys large steaks. in companies that could benefit from a change in governmental policy, a worldwide change in governmental policy."

"So he owns stakes, very, very large stakes, almost all the big pharmaceutical companies. Then he gives essentially about a billion dollars to WHO every year, but through Rotary and Rent National, through Gavi, through CEPI, and through the Gates Foundation. But they're sort of the cumulative, even larger than the US, which is the second biggest."

"That gives him control over WHO's policies. The analysis of WHO say there is nothing that goes through WHO that is not vetted first by the Gates Foundation."

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