116: H-1B Vivek Misses the Mark; His Critics Deny Reality - Gracearchy with Jim Babka

1 month ago

A Vivek Ramaswamy Tweet on H-1B visas sparked a heated debate about immigration and economics. In this episode of Gracearchy with Jim Babka, we take a unique, grace-based libertarian approach to the conversation. While Vivek raises valid points, his perspective focuses too much on immigrants as economic units. On the other hand, his critics reveal a troubling lack of humanity and understanding, with some even echoing Know-Nothing-era arguments.

Jim dives deep into the debate, presenting a vision of immigration that sees people as unique individuals made in the image of their Creator, rather than cogs in an economic machine. He explains why H-1B visas, though flawed, might serve as a necessary temporary compromise and unpacks three ironic truths about the Know-Nothing critiques.

- Read Vivek's Tweet: https://x.com/VivekGRamaswamy/status/1872312139945234507
- Know Nothings defined: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Know-Nothing-party
- Shoe on the other foot Tweet: https://x.com/ArmandDoma/status/1872524379021783109
- Tom Woods Tweet: https://x.com/ThomasEWoods/status/1872342845786382546?t=I-YRIvyQkKDBQhQ36wMO5g&s=19
- Open Borders Double GDP...
* https://openborders.info/double-world-gdp/
* https://www.wpr.org/history/economist-makes-case-open-borders-policy

0:00 Theme
0:24 Mug Shot
2:57 Vivek's Tweet
5:14 Zack vs Screech
6:57 Culture vs Selection Bias
9:18 Overlooking the bigger cultural problem
12:10 Crushing human flourishing
15:07 The Abstract vs The Real
17:53 School choice, not school standards
21:18 How billionaires work
23:18 Your wiring is special
24:18 Are you a Cog?
28:27 More Vivek Tweet
30:47 The Know-Nothings
34:12 The Bigotry Test
35:23 Hillbilly Elegy
36:54 Ironies
38:42 Why has racism become overt?
41:52 Why the scarcity mentality?
46:16 People are not merely economic units
49:06 H-1B a compromise but not gracious
53:00 As they grow, we grow

Bill Protzmann is your moderator.

The series is sponsored by THE FOUNDATION FOR HARMONY AND PROSPERITY. https://www.harmonyandprosperity.org/

Thank you to Randy Garbin for our amazing episode thumbnails: http://randygarbin.com/

We are grateful to Sergio at https://www.youtube.com/@KeysofMoonMusic for our intro theme.
â–º https://www.patreon.com/user?u=10500501
you can purchase his music on BandCamp:
â–º https://keysofmoon.bandcamp.com/
â–º If you have any questions please feel free to write to Sergio at: serjo.de.lua.music@gmail.com

Chat-GPT4 was used to help write the show description.

Be grace-full to each other.

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