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Where does the word "JEW" originate and what does it mean?
Where does the word "JEW" originate and what does it mean?
Lets take a deep dive into the bile to figure out where the word Jew originates, what it meant at that time, as well as the historically biblical path the term takes through wars, occupations, exile, conquering, and finally landing the plane with the apostles and the disciples. What does Jesus say himself of the Jews? Are the Jews today the same as the Jews during Jesus time? What about when the term Jew originated? There are a BUNCH of questions and topics covered in this deep dive. Follow along, watch again and again if you need, share this video, like our page, and like this video!
One small note I do want to add. I mistakenly left out the fact that the Assyrians conquered the nation of Israel FIRST in 2 Kings 17, because the nation of Judah asked for their help in war. Later though the Assyrians also conquered the nation of Judah later on if you keep reading and the curse of God to Israel does apply both to the nation of Israel first as they were idol worshipers first as the nation of Judah broke off of Israel because of this worship only later under Ahaz to start worshiping idols themselves. 2 Kings 17:13 talks about the Lord testifying to the nation of Israel, and to Judah, showing that He is not talking about just the 10 tribes still in the post-civil war era Israelite's, but all 12 tribes of Israel.
Some bible verse I do not include below as they are commonly known and there are no conspiracy around those topics. Like much of the stories of the promised lands, the 12 tribes of Israel, Abraham and his covenant with God. Like the story of Solomon and his many wives. Or the story of the great flood and how Noah and his 3 sons built the ark. You can find more on Noah, the Curse of Ham, and the Nephilim starting in Genesis 6 through roughly Genesis 9.
The list below goes over the verses that I personally think apply to this deep dive more than any others and are listed in order of appearing in the bible. To follow along biblically I recommend grabbing some post it notes and writing the chapter and verse of each and posting them in the bible so you can flip and flop around the bible to keep up and read along.
Bible Passages:
2 Kings 16:1-8
Deuteronomy 13:15-17 and 20:16-17
Lamentations 4:10
Jeremiah 19:4-5 and 19:9
Matthew 1:1-20
Genesis 9:20-25
Jasher 9 - specifically verse 5
2 Kings 17 - specifically verses 12-20
Genesis 12:20-24
Matthew 23 entire chapter for context - specifically 5, 13, 14, 16, 33
John 8 entire chapter for context - specifically 32 - 39
Revelation 3:9
1 Timothy 1:4
Galatians 3:16
John 14:6
Romans 2:28-29
Numbers 6:24-26
2 Thessalonians 2:10
Mark 16:15
Matthew 24:4
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OTHER TAGS: bible, jesus, jews, jew, origin of jew, meaning of jew, synagogue, satan, devil, lucifer, God, creator, creation, abraham, isaac, jacob, israel, judah, 12 tribes, syria, assyria, aram, arab, hebrew, jewish, judaism, rome, romans, babylonians, david, solomon, temple, star of david, molech, walk through fire, child sacrifice, baal, canaan, ham, shem, japheth, noah, Nephilim, great flood, civil war, biblical history, mary, joseph, christ, salvation, apostles, disciples, war, occupation, exile, conquering, biblical path, biblical terms, biblical analysis, biblical exegesis, historical context, religious studies, theology, scripture, testament, old testament, new testament, prophecy, messiah, covenant, faith, belief, religion, spirituality, holy land, promised land, idolatry, idolatrous practices, sin, repentance, redemption, grace, mercy, justice, judgment, worship, prayer, sacrifice, offerings, priesthood, levites, pharisees, sadducees, scribes, law, torah, commandments, 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promises, divine plan, prophecy fulfillment, messianic prophecy, scriptural interpretation, hermeneutics, exegesis, textual criticism, canon, apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, dead sea scrolls, septuagint, masoretic text, hebrew bible, christian bible, intertestamental period, second temple period, hellenistic influence, roman influence, diaspora communities, synagogues, rabbinic Judaism, Talmud, Mishnah, Gemara, Halakha, Aggadah, Midrash, Kabbalah, Hasidism, Zionism, Israel statehood, modern Israel, archaeology, biblical archaeology, Dead Sea, Red Sea, Sea of Galilee, Jordan River, Mount Zion, Mount of Olives, Golgotha, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Capernaum, Samaria, Judea, Galilee, Golan Heights, West Bank, Gaza, Palestine, conflict, peace process, two-state solution, one-state solution, settlements, border issues, holy sites, religious significance, cultural heritage, biblical prophecy, eschatology, second temple destruction, exile in Babylon, return from exile, diaspora experience, synagogue worship, Sabbath, dietary laws, kosher, Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hanukkah, Purim, Shavuot, Jewish festivals, Christian holidays, Easter, Christmas, Pentecost, biblical feasts, circumcision, bar mitzvah, bat mitzvah, wedding traditions, mourning rituals, afterlife beliefs, resurrection of the dead, judgment day, eternal life, paradise, sheol, hades, gehenna, lake of fire, new heavens, new earth, millennium, premillennialism, postmillennialism, amillennialism, dispensationalism, covenant theology, replacement theology, dual covenant theology, messianic Judaism, Christian Zionism, Jewish Christianity, early church, Pauline theology, Johannine literature, synoptic gospels, acts of the apostles, pastoral epistles, general epistles, apocalypse, book of revelation, vision, prophecy, seven churches, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven bowls, mark of the beast, number of the beast, lamb of God, alpha and omega, first and last, beginning and end, light of the world, bread of life, good shepherd, vine and branches, way, truth, life, cornerstone, living water, bride of Christ, body of Christ, temple of the Holy Spirit, priesthood of all believers, royal priesthood, chosen people, holy nation, peculiar people, salt of the earth, light of the world, city on a hill, fishers of men, mustard seed, leaven, pearl of great price, hidden treasure, talents, minas, lost sheep, prodigal son, good Samaritan, rich man and Lazarus, ten virgins, workers in the vineyard, fig tree, sower, seeds, wheat and tares, dragnet, unmerciful servant, laborers in the vineyard, two sons, wicked vinedressers, wedding feast, ten lepers, Pharisee and tax collector, persistent widow, Pharisee's prayer, Zacchaeus, blind Bartimaeus, healing of the paralytic, raising of Lazarus, calming the storm, walking on water, feeding the multitude, transfiguration, temptation in the wilderness, last supper, garden of Gethsemane, betrayal by Judas, trial before Pilate, crucifixion at Golgotha, burial, resurrection on the third day, appearances post-resurrection, ascension into heaven, Pentecost, spread of early Christianity, martyrdom of Stephen, conversion of Paul, missionary journeys, council of Jerusalem, epistles to the churches, Revelation to John, visions of the end times, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven bowls, battle of Armageddon, defeat of the beast, millennium reign, final judgment, new Jerusalem, eternal state, eternal damnation, eternal salvation, heaven, hell, paradise, lake of fire, second death, book of life, white throne judgment, marriage supper of the Lamb, restoration of all things, reconciliation of all creation, hope for the future, faith in the unseen, perseverance of the saints, call to repentance, call to faith, call to love, call to holiness, call to service, call to witness, call to unity, call to peace, call to justice, call to mercy, call to humility, call to patience, call to joy, call to freedom in Christ, call to live by the Spirit, call to bear fruit, call to walk in the light, call to fight the good fight, call to finish the race, call to keep the faith
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