2 months ago

posted and removed by the religion of RA as it nailed it.....
This is pathetic claim to be the smartest, most intelligent person in this 3D world and have a larger brain capacity that all of the rest of us and your behavior is strictly 3D just like everyone else on this miserable disc..........................Bluewater has never said anything bad about you and I have followed him for a long time.......................................Leon has suddenly become Saint Leon who does no wrong? That's BS and you should know that since you know everything...............................I am disappointed and feeling sad about this whole bunch of shit.........................I trusted you as the being you first claimed to be and now I do not recognize the negativity coming from you.................maybe your mother should slap you upside the head and straighten you out....................... You seem to have changed.............💔🥲

I really don't give a shit one way or the other............. supposedly, the 'starseeds' who are supposedly much smarter and better than us 3D humans, I would expect ya'll to stop acting like 3D morons and show human morons how all the unconditional love and empathy is supposed to work because ya'll are the the way, I was invited to Pixie's sisterhood group and I declined...........I don't like groups........................and I never liked Leon from his first time on the internet and then I tried to like him. read all his stories/synopses & sorry, I still do not like him.................................this channel and every other channel on the internet is full of nothing but gossip and old 3D bullshit and everyone saying I love you, I love you ...........what? that's like saying I love chocolate. does that help to raise the vibes we supposedly need to get to 5D. It's going on 3 years since that EVENT was announced and golly, gee whiz, we're still sitting here stuck in 3D and it's getter harder and harder to find the path we should be on...............everyone is an asspert and we're all still stuck in 3D......if that is the future, I see no difference between there and here..................also, why didn't Krystan try to help them,??? Isn't that what he's supposed to do? Help everyone hop on to the end of the never ending movie or is that also BS?

yes, she nailed! Sad to hear what’s been going on over there, just glad I left when I did. I was on board like I said before and was happy to have been being part of the resonating army that was made up of soul family, but I did start noticing or feelings things that started to make me question things, like a feeling something isn’t quite right, but I just shrugged it off. I mean there were some people who would get on talk that I didn’t vibrate with at all, but everybody was praising them and saying how much everybody loved them, so I just chalked it up to to each his own and tried to let it go. However, like I have said before, when Christian, not using Krystian anymore from now on, made that comment about you, “can’t see his eyes from behind a screen”, I was done with him and them. The person I resonated with in the beginning is no longer there. Maybe he’ll came back? don’t know and don’t care. I feel I have learned what needed to learn and now it’s time to move on. Blue you have been the only consistant voice in this whole awaking process, and the only one I trust. So don’t let me down or else!!! (Dry, sarcastic, humor, I am originally from NY and my last name ends win a vowel, capish!) probably spelled that wrong? Geeze three years of Italian in high school down the drain, I was on double secret probation, LOL! Anyways I’ll keep following the water till the show finally ends, being patient and positive best I can! Peace my friend! Ciao!!! ( I believe I spelled that correctly!!!! LOL

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