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Micah 5:2 New King James Version
2 “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah,
Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel,
Whose goings forth are from of old, From [a]everlasting.”

GOOD EVENING IN YESHUA MY PRECIOUS ONES!!! Imagine a world, where in which less than three years beforehand, brother was fighting against brother, and the president that served during that war, and helped stop it, was murdered. It's a place where there is still so much tension, but also the possibility of a new and better beginning. Then again, picture being in a country, a nation in which the Roman Empire is in charge. An oppressive world empire, where there is a forced peace all over the world that this empire rules, and it seems bleaker then one could ever imagine. In the midst of this darkness, insanity, and abject sense of hopelessness, an amazing thing happens. In the town of Bethlehem, a small child is born. It is a young boy child, that is born in the midst of this insane empire, destined to be a king. However, He's not born in a palace, but He's born in a stable. He’s sought out by wise men who sincerely want to worship Him, pursued and stalked by a paranoid king that wants to murder Him, but fails, and this is all to accomplish God’s plan of redemption.

Tonight, my friends, I'd like to share about those wise men. Individuals who pursued the true king, and how they found Him in the most unlikely place. A place that was already prophesied, but an unlikely place, nonetheless. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends, and learn about that little town of Bethlehem, and how that town was used of god to bring about the true hope and peace that we all need! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to leave you with these questions from this morning's devotional, and I pray that they will help you see and find that real true source of peace.

What aspect of Jesus’ story touches you most?

Where in your life do you need the peace the Savior offers?

I pray that if you do not know Christ the true and lasting source of hope and peace, that you will do so before it's too late. We are all born with a natural desire to sin, and as such it separates us from God, but God in infinite love and mercy provided a way of escape, so that we could have true and lasting peace for all time. Today I invite you to do what the song says in casting out your sin to let Christ enter in, so that you can be born again, and have that lasting peace.



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