The TIEs that Bind the Curriculum: Scotland’s Time for Inclusive Education - UK Column News

16 days ago

The TIEs that Bind the Curriculum: Scotland’s Time for Inclusive Education - UK Column
Full news and all the source links:
- LGBT Education Scotland (TIE): What is LGBT Inclusive Education?
- Time for Inclusive Education: What we do
“We address homophobic, biphobic and transphobic prejudice and bullying through education. We create resources for schools, run workshops and assemblies for young people, and deliver professional learning for teachers on behalf of the Scottish Government.”
- The Scottish Government (2021): Supporting transgender young people in schools: guidance for Scottish schools
- No Risk No Reward (YouTube): War In Ireland. The battle for our children being fought in Irish schools
- Natural Women's Council: The Corruption of Irish Education
- GOV.UK: The Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill: what parents need to know

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