2025 Kickoff Panel | COS at Home (January 8, 2025)

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Nineteen of the required 34 states have joined to movement to trigger the first-ever Article V convention. So what are the other 15 states waiting for? Dozens of legislatures will consider our proposal in 2025. So what does it take to push your state across the finish line? Join us LIVE for our expert panel of state legislators who have been the tip of spear. They will share their inspiring stories of triumph as well as strategies for success. Submit a question for the Minutemen Mailbag, and Jonathan might answer it ON AIR: https://conventionofstates.com/mailbag

COS at Home normally airs on the first Wednesday of each month, but this month it airs one week later due to New Year's Day falling on the first Wednesday. https://conventionofstates.com/athome

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