72% of U.S. Adults Now Reject COVID Vaccine Schedule

2 months ago

01/05/2025 Dr. Andy Wakefield: I saw the CDC's own data presented the other day that now 72% of the US adult population are saying no to the CDC's recommended schedule on the COVID vaccine. They're either not getting the first dose, not getting the second dose, or not getting the booster. That is an abject failure of the COVID vaccine program. The public do not trust them anymore.
#COVIDVaccines #CDC #PublicTrust #DrAndyWakefield
01/05/2025 安迪·韦克菲尔德博士:我看到疾控中心(CDC)前几天公布的数据显示,目前 72% 的美国成年人对CDC推荐的新冠疫苗接种计划表示拒绝。他们要么不接种第一针,要么不接种第二针,要么不接种加强针。这是新冠疫苗接种计划方面的一个彻底失败。公众不会再相信他们了。
#新冠疫苗 #疾控中心 #公众信任 #安迪·韦克菲尔德博士

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