Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: "There is no evidence whatsoever that carbon dioxide

2 months ago

"Carbon dioxide is lower now than it has been for almost the entire history of the Earth... It is colder now than it has been through almost the entire history of the Earth."

"All the CO2 we are emitting from burning fossil fuels came from the atmosphere and the oceans in the first place... Life used it and stored it as fossil fuels... and they're full of carbon."

"That's why CO2 is so low now compared to historical levels. It was 6000 [parts per million]... And it went to 180 [parts per million] during the most recent Glacial Maximum, only 30 parts per million above the death of plants."

"We are life's salvation. We are replenishing the CO2 back into the atmosphere and the oceans, where it had been locked in rocks and fossil fuels for billions of years."

Full interview (

Source @RealWideAwakeMedia

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