Seriously? NJ Governor Phil Murphy Goes To The Mattresses To Keep Inappropriate Books In Schools

16 days ago

Posted • January 5, 2025: The Left have certain obsessions that they will never, ever give up on. They think these obsessions are moral crusades, and they the purveyors of truth and justice. One of those obsessions is keeping pornographic, inappropriate books in schools where kids can access them (regardless of parental wishes) and calling any attempt to limit the access a 'book ban.' Let's be clear: it's not a book ban. All of these books are readily accessible online. Just because a school doesn't carry it in the library does not mean it's banned and the selective outrage -- they'd never say the Bible being removed from school shelves is a 'ban' -- is astonishing. But this is an issue they've decided to go to the mattresses over, and New Jersey governor Phil Murphy really wants to make sure kids in the Garden State have access to inappropriate materials: New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy recently signed the “Freedom to Read” Act.

The bill protects schools and librarians’ ability to offer porn to children. -- Why does Gov. Phil Murphy want kids reading porn in school? Shameful. And creepy. This is pure theater. The ban of bans makes an exception for developmentally inappropriate material. It does NOTHING but propagate a false narrative for stupid liberals that books are being banned elsewhere. That's all they care about: the narrative. At the same time they removed literacy tests for teachers, very interesting educational strategy: -- They sure did. Nothing good comes of this. It's hard to tell which ones of these individuals are evil or just stupid. 🙄 -- Embrace the healing power of 'and', dear reader.

Will he allow the Bible in classrooms? What about the books the libs wanted to ban that have supposedly racist things in them like Huckleberry Finn? No, no. That's (D)ifferent. He needs to be removed and replaced immediately. Porn for kids??? This is what is wrong with this country. You are exploiting children and exposing them to things they don’t/cant understand. It’s not your job to teach children about sexuality or sexual anything. That’s a parenting issue. You people are sick. Over sexuality is a problem in this country and needs to be addressed. Pull your kids out of the education system. Guys like Murphy think they know better than parents. Why do teachers need to be protected to read porn to students? I have never in my life felt the need to read porn to anyone. Because they have a political agenda. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Seriously? NJ Governor Phil Murphy Goes to the Mattresses to Keep Inappropriate Books in Schools
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