Chuck Schumer Blames Voters For Dems' Election Defeat

16 days ago

Posted • January 5, 2025: This writer is not a political strategist, but she is a voter. And because she lives in the real world and does things like buy gas for her car and groceries for her family, she likes to think she's more aware of what the vast majority of voters think and feel than, say, a guy like Chuck Schumer. She also knows it's not a smart move to tell voters they're just to stupid to realize all the good things Democrats did for them, which is why we reelected Donald Trump. But that's the tactic Schumer decided to go with on the Sunday morning news circuit. -- Chuck Schumer claims Democrats "did a lot of good things," but lost in 2024 because people "didn't realize how much we had done" for them. -- Oh, Chuck. We know exactly what Democrats did for us. That's why you lost. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - We Know EXACTLY What You Did, That's Why You LOST! Watch Schumer Blame Voters for Dems Election Defeat

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