Myriad Bicep Slicers

2 months ago

Struggling to Finish the Bicep Slicer? Or maybe you don't even know the setups yet. Master the Bicep Slicer Submission in BJJ!

In this video, we’ll take a deep dive into the bicep slicer (also known as the "bicep crusher") and break down common defensive reactions from your opponent that might stop your submission attempt. Learn how to overcome these defenses and apply the bicep slicer successfully in your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training!

Building on our Bicep Slicer Mechanics video, we will focus on key details for executing the bicep slicer from various positions. By following along with these techniques and consistently practicing them in your grappling sessions, you’ll soon be able to apply the bicep slicer with confidence and precision.

If you found this video helpful and want more BJJ techniques, don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel for easy access to new videos!

Introduction 00:00
Spiderweb Armbar Bicep Slicer 00:29
Side Control (Far Arm) Bicep Slicer 03:31
Side Control (Close Arm) Bicep Slicer 07:03
Bottom Side Control Bicep Slicers 12:40
Lasso Guard Bicep Slicer 19:00

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