TMS Healing Wall of Victory - Testimonial Block #24 - Kelley

16 hours ago

Meet Kelley who suffered from chronic sinusitis, vulvodynia, back pain, tendonitis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, shin splints, knee pain, peritonsillar abscesses, migraine, severe cystic acne, tooth pain, tooth sensitivity, OCD, anxiety, depression, phobias, codependency, interstitial cystitis, and IBS... and more.

Kelley discovered TMS and like many people did not have an immediate shift in healing. She read The Great Pain Deception and Dr. Sarno's work but had her greatest shift in healing when she heard a podcast where Steve Ozanich mentioned Anita Moorjani and AUTHENTICITY. From there she began to awaken.

The Great Pain Deception

Dr. John Sarno's Top 10 Healing Discoveries

Back Pain Permanent Healing

Song: Man of Steel, by Terry Barrett

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