Targeted individual files Air quality meter spikes for no reason while feeling overwhelming "sleep"

18 days ago

Nothing changed in the house during the day to night to warrant a sudden spike, aka I wasn't spreading dirt or stirring up dust. This would happen multiple times a day for weeks.. most often at times I normally would go to bed or take a nap. The air quality would go from normal to high ppm I also would hear huge low helicopters fly over my house n sounded like someone jumped on my room but if I went out to look there was no signs of anything. It was also very clear I was being monitored everything I entered or exited my house and some how in my house too. I didn't know than what tech could easily be used. at the same time the ppm would go up I was feeling faint n so tired I'd basically unnaturally pass out when I woke things would be stolen or moved or broken. It put animals to sleep too. I thought it could be leak in hvac but surly they'd have to keep refilling it to cause it? I did later find a leak in my hvac unit.. When I tired to get help I was essentially yelled at even on online forms just asking hvac people what this leak looked like to them. I now know they have bots or trolls do this they flag things to shut u up,, always saying they need meds or off their meds.

I wonder Perhaps the sound or equipment they use heats up building materials and cause off gassing and that sets off the meteri bought this o e after buying 3 very expensive ones that had Bluetooth I thought they could be messing with them via Bluetooth as well. I'm sure they can legit somehow flooding my house w a gas tto make me pass out. When I'd come to I'd have a massive headache also during it I'd feel my hands and feet clinch up, I'd fight it off, ipwhen I caught onto it I'd air out the house ans leave which of course neighbors cameras were watching as the left thr house frequently. Nothing anyone would notice u til they were WATCHING and of course they'd send weirdos to me to scare me back Into the house like the peeps were mad their Gas was being wasted.

Laying on the floor was worst thing to do as this gas sinks.

Detox detox detox. Just so happens things I already had saved my life and would be used for gas poisoning if a hospital could test for oxygen maker, charcoal, diatomious earth, benenite clay

I am a victum of electronic abuse to harass me out of my home n told to "get out of dodge"

I pray someone anyone can help me or anyone like me after experiencing their end goal... robbed and left for dead I understand so much. They u knowingly started a war in heaven and earth coming againest a born again Christian. God saved my life I was a test for many who failed.

If u can help please fo, if not please pray for me and anyone like me. Holy ghost fire againest any person or wea pon formed againest me. I trust God to take them out. I saw the plots and subplots miles away. I sm not alone u if you've been "chosen" are not alone. Seek real world e identity to bring they down as they play narcissistic games of "I'm not touching you" many so many know what they are doing and how they r trying to make people unalive themselves. I have never n will never have this thought. I saw the art up a. Ile away. May they all fall by their own sword in Jesus name n those who witness speak the truth.

The abuse must stop.

I appreciate anyone in a position to help or pray.

I like so many tried the usual channels, no the church isn't helping the gov isn't helping n my family is gone.

I pray any donation is given back 1000 fold. I just want the normal human basics in life, they robbed this from me. They are mad im just a living breathing human being.

Thank you for reading. Never stop praying.

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