The Eye is the Lamp, is not followed by Christians because they are materialists not Spiritualists

4 days ago

And they are blind to other bible verses to. They skip them. And they are the most important keys. And this blindless manifests in the body the spirit owns to testify it, and if a person has good sight to see the Word, they will also have good vision in their eyes. Because the spirit is in charge of nurturing the body. And why would Light be blind?
And I have isolated them in a group of three. They prefer to follow the world and stay blind to the harder teachings that would be those saving teachings. So 99% of Christians are play acting Christians of labels only.
And they have been in the bible for 2000 years as they all together say they are Christians, 'Christ loves them', whilst blind to the plain words. And this itself must be a great shared sin.
And then they will be in denial as always, because denial has a pact with Sin.

They follow science, not the Spirit. So they remain blind to the words that would show their own sin. Where it says, look to your eyes.
But if people are blind to this, they will be blind to Christ when he returns at the end of the age also.
Christians conveniently in body in whole, in one mass, avoid the bible versus that challenge them the most.
They are:
1 - matthew 23 - Do not call yourself religious teachers
2 - Unless you despise your parents you cannot follow Christ
3 - The eye is the lamp of the body, and if it is bad, you are full of sin and darkness

They don't take these versus and graft them into their soul. They are scientists who call themselves Christians. They follow science not Christ. They make Christ a liar by not following him.

How will you stretch out your vision to eternal perfect vision, with your own free will choosing blindness and avoiding the plain word? Then you cannot be saved.

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