Linguistic Sorcery 2 : Rich Versus Wealthy -- The Riceman Cometh:

4 days ago

This installment continues the exploration of the neurophysiological basis of True Detective's Rust Cohle's, language virus and how its mechanisms are exploited through a form of psychological warfare here in Dark City. It is not only religion that rewires neural pathways in the brain and dulls critical thinking.

Recently, many content providers have been wittingly or unwittingly conflating the wealthy class with the richest members of the labor force. This is an insidious form of misdirection that serves the interests of the ruling caste. The viral rice man has weighed in to demonstrate the wealth inequality in grains of rice, However, the true wealthy class is conspicuously absent form his experiment. Is he a victim of linguistic sorcery or a practitioner?

00:00 Introduction
1:03 Rich Versus Wealthy a Review
3:53 Mistake or Misdirection?
6:44 Resources vs Currency

The Global Elite employ linguistic sorcery as a means to infect our minds by altering the meaning fo existing words to distort our perceptions, control our behaviors and influence our beliefs. Psychological warfare and black magicians employ the same linguistic sleight of hand to advance their sinister agendas.

Remember to always ask the right fu**ing questions...

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