Starting A New OOT Randomizer

2 months ago

This is stream series that i'm going to be doing for a while on youtube
as its a ocarina of time randomizer run that ends when the timer hits 24 hours
#Legendofzelda #OcarinaOfTime #randomizer


World Access
Forest is open
Kakariko Gate is Open
Door of time is close
Zora Fountain is open
Gerudo Fortress is Normal
Need 6 Medallions for Rainbow Bridge to open
Ganon Trials are skipable

Songs are Anywhere
Kokiri Sword is shuffle
Ocarinas are shuffle
Weird egg is shuffle
Gerudo Card is Shuffle
Magic Beans are shuffle
Adult trading items are shuff

Shopsanity is on with starter wallet prices
Scrub are shuffle with affordable prices

Dungeon Items
Dungeon rewards are shuffle anywhere
Maps & Compasses can be found in their own Dungeons
Small Keys can be anywhere
Key Rings are on
their are 3 key rings for Fire temple, Gerudo Training Grounds and Ganon's Castle
Gerudo fortress keys are anywhere
Boss Keys are in any dungeon
and Ganon's Key is anywhere

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