Episode 2839: The Name of Jesus and the Virtue of Meekness - Nightly Episode

2 months ago

“O my God, at the end of this day I thank You most heartily for all the graces I have received from You. I am sorry that I have not made better use of them. I am sorry for all the sins I have committed against You. Forgive me, O my God, and graciously protect me this night. Blessed Virgin Mary, my dear heavenly mother, take me under your protection. St. Joseph, my dear Guardian Angel, and all you saints of God, pray for me. Sweet Jesus, have pity on all poor sinners, and save them from hell. Have mercy on the suffering souls in purgatory. Amen.”
The Name of Jesus and the Virtue of Meekness
Tonight we delve into two beautiful and transformative aspects of our Catholic faith: the power of the Holy Name of Jesus and the grace-filled virtue of meekness. Through the words of St. John Neumann and the insights of Mother Mary Frances, we’ll explore how these truths can deepen our spiritual lives and bring us closer to Christ.
Part 1: The Power of the Holy Name of Jesus
St. John Neumann once said, “To holy people, the very name of Jesus is a name to feed upon, a name to transport. His name can raise the dead and transfigure and beautify the living.” These words remind us that the Holy Name of Jesus is more than just a word; it is a proclamation of life, power, and transformation.
Throughout Scripture, the name of Jesus is invoked in miraculous ways. In Acts 3:6, St. Peter heals a man born lame, saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." The name of Jesus is not only a means of physical healing but also of spiritual renewal. It is a name that sustains us in our daily trials, brings peace to our hearts, and aligns us with the will of God.
As Catholics, we can integrate this truth into our lives through the reverent use of His name in prayer, the frequent recitation of the Jesus Prayer (“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner”), and by calling upon Him in moments of need. Every time we invoke the name of Jesus with love and faith, we open our hearts to His presence and power.
Part 2: The Gift of Meekness
Mother Mary Frances, PCC, beautifully describes the virtue of meekness through the example of St. Francis of Assisi:
"Because they are without holdings, the meek actually hold everything... Without aggressiveness... without arrogance... he is at rest."
This reflection highlights the paradoxical nature of meekness: to the world, it may appear as weakness, but in reality, it is strength under control. Meekness is not passivity; it is the humble acknowledgment that everything belongs to God, and we are mere stewards of His creation.
St. Francis exemplified this in his relationship with nature and creation. His meekness allowed him to see everything as a gift from God, leading him to live in peace and harmony with the world. For us, meekness means trusting in God’s providence, refraining from the anxiety to possess or control, and resting in the knowledge that we are heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven.
As Christ Himself said in Matthew 5:5, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” This inheritance is not about earthly possessions but about a profound spiritual freedom and peace that comes from knowing we belong to God.
Part 3: Living These Truths
The name of Jesus and the virtue of meekness are deeply interconnected. When we call upon the name of Jesus with faith, we are reminded of His humility and His invitation for us to take up His yoke and learn from Him, for He is “meek and humble of heart” (Matthew 11:29).
We can live these truths by fostering a deeper reverence for the name of Jesus in our prayers and actions and by cultivating a spirit of meekness in our relationships and interactions. This might mean choosing peace over conflict, surrender over control, and trust over anxiety.
Conclusion Prayer
Let us close with a prayer, drawing on the themes we’ve explored today:
Heavenly Father,
We thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, whose Holy Name is a source of life, peace, and power. Help us to always speak His name with reverence and love, allowing it to transform and beautify our lives.
Grant us the grace of meekness, that we may rest in Your providence and see all things as gifts from Your hand. Teach us to follow the example of St. Francis, who found joy and freedom in surrendering all to You.
May we walk in the footsteps of Christ, our Savior, becoming instruments of His peace and reflections of His love. We ask this through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. John Neumann, and St. Francis of Assisi.
In the most Holy Name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Thank you for joining us today, and may the Holy Name of Jesus and the virtue of meekness guide you throughout your journey of faith.

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