Wake Up with Zimri | Matthew Chapter 3 | Discussion Questions

27 days ago

Here's the discussion questions:

* What did John's call to 'repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand' teach us about preparing our hearts for God? After deciding, "I'm going to let God in to prepare my heart, so that the seed of His Word is in good soil." What are you becoming like? What are you consuming? How could you prioritize the Lord?

* How does repentance change our relationship with God and others?

* What can we learn from John's simple lifestyle?
Reference 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12: 'Lead a quiet life and mind your own business."

* Also, his boldness in calling out sin? How might John's example challenge our own approach to sharing the Gospel?
Reference Romans 7:15-25 - How can we help people know what I really means to confess and repent and how we all need a savior?

* How can we evaluate whether our lives are bearing spiritual fruit?

* How was the Trinity made evident in this chapter?

* Discuss baptism. Have you crucified your old self and been resurrected as a new creation with the Holy Spirit? Have you made the public profession?

Contact me if you have questions about baptism: info@everydayvita.co

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