Anger Erupts Over Clinton, Soros Awarded Medal Of Freedom by Biden ‘Insult To America’

2 months ago

Joe Biden getting some pretty heavy backlash for his decision to award Hillary Clinton and George Soros, among more than a dozen others, with the highest honor that can be given to a civilian – the Medal of Freedom.
Many pointing to Clinton’s direct role in Benghazi that led to the tortured deaths of four Americans, and her countless scandals from Whitewater to Vince Foster to the Clinton foundation.
As for Soros – more outrage as he’s been credited for the financial destruction of at least four countries.
Online influences calling Soros pure evil saying he’s responsible for installing pro-crime DA’s Across the country causing countless Americans to suffer and die. Elon Musk calling his award a travesty & previously saying Soros fundamentally hates humanity.

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