"Public goods" is a term invented by thieves to steal your money | Hn 89

2 months ago

Adam despises the term "public goods" and all the excuses for larceny that derive from that barbaric and manipulative concept. And he's gonna tell you all about it. Enjoy!

00:00 – Intro. Tyrone's mad at Santa, but it might be a ruse...
01:19 – Adam reads the anti public goods article that this episode is based on. What's wrong with positive externalities?
15:12 -- A brief tangent to describe eminent domain. Remember the Kelo v. City of New London Connecticut Supreme Court decision? Also, Tyrone gives a couple examples of market distortions caused by government action.
19:03 -- Back to the public goods article. How could "national" defense be provided privately? Bob Murphy's Chaos Theory is instructive (link below). Plus: Private fire departments!
25:22 -- Two anecdotes about public goods: The valley and the "essential dam", and smallpox in Deadwood, South Dakota.
35:30 -- Adam finishes up the public goods article. Is the term "public" valid at all? Adam and Tyrone weigh in. What about the term "monopoly"? Also, externalities aren't "nouns", exactly. They are more properly thought of in a more subjective way.
30:18 -- Outro. Thank you for watching Haman Nature! If you want to hear the continuation of this conversation, where private provision of defense will be discussed, visit "HamanNature.Substack.com" and become a paid subscriber!

Haman Nature article mentioned: https://hamannature.substack.com/p/public-goods-is-a-term-invented-by?r=2u0knv

Book mentioned - Chaos Theory by Bob Murphy - https://cdn.mises.org/Chaos%20Theory_2.pdf

Join us at: https://hamannature.substack.com/

Adam's other show: https://naturalorderpodcast.com/

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