OGA #2: Revealing the Terrain of Geoengineering, with Benjamin Hardy and Michael Merenda

1 month ago

Welcome to Our Geoengineering Age @ www.ourgeoengineeringage.org.
In Episode #2, join OGA publisher Dr. Rob Williams for a conversation with the co-founders of www.terraintheory.net, with Benjamin Hardy and Michael Merenda.
With more than two hundred podcast episodes for free at www.terraintheory.net, Hardy and Merenda interview a wide variety of guests from around the world on human health and wellness, providing real solutions and insights into what are often underreported or censored “terrain” focused news and information.
for a deep dive into "terrain," geeongineering, and how to optimize Team Human in the midst of these interesting times. In this OGA conversation, we explore the relationship between terrain theory and geoengineering, how Hardy and Merenda came to a deeper awareness of both terrain and geoengineering, and solution for humanity moving forward.
Visit www.terraintheory.net for more information and resources.
Eyes on our skies!

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