TMS Healing Wall of Victory - Testimonial Block #21 - Danielle

20 hours ago

Meet Danielle who was told she needed disc replacement surgery and hand and foot surgery. She visited MDs, neurologists, surgeons, hand specialists, podiatrists, chiropractors, and physical therapists. She then fortunately discovered Dr. John Sarno's work on TMS and Steve Ozanich's The Great Pain Deception and healed.

Danielle suffered from increasing pain over a 7-year period that included back pain, neck, shoulder, arm, wrist, finger and feet pain. She also suffered from headaches, burning, allergies, weakness, tinnitus, and eye issues. At one point she experienced shingles, which is a mindbody effect.

Danielle was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease (DDD), bulging and herniated discs, repetitive strain injury (RSI, RSS), bone spurs, one leg longer than the other, and believe it or not "high arches". Once she discovered TMS and that none of these "diagnosed problems" can cause pain she healed. She wanted to tell her story to help other sufferers. Welcome to Victory Wall Danielle! Enjoy the wind chimes...

TMS Consulting, Inc.

Steve Ozanich's website:

Danielle's site:

Steve's books:
The Great Pain Deception

Back Pain Permanent Healing

Dr. John Sarno's Top 10 Healing Discoveries

The song in this video is called "Faith" from the CD Newton Falls, performed by Terry Barrett, produced by Steve Ozanich

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