A telling "moon".

2 months ago

It took me awhile to realize this digital looking stuff wasn't a mistake of the camera or whatever. This is a testament to our fake sky, moon, stars, and sun. You put all these videos together and while you can deny it, it's right there in your face. Not only that, all the crap going on in the world (false flags and psyops 100%) should reaffirm to anyone with an open mind(which should be everyone) that things are amiss. To put it lightly. All things seen on TV, MSM, and the wonderful IOT are a distraction from what I'm showing here. 2hile every shill has its moments and some are showing parts of what I'm showing you, you will never see my stuff pushed. As a matter of fact, this platform is the only one that will even show it. Yeah, this one, whose major stock holders are Vanguard and Blackrock. Isn't it ironic, don't you think? Hit me if I ever say that again.

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