Episode 217: A Kingdom Divided – Unmasking the Spiritual Battle Behind Political Polarization

2 months ago

Episode 217: A Kingdom Divided – Unmasking the Spiritual Battle Behind Political Polarization

Show Notes

America is currently a house divided against itself. While the majority may shift slightly left or right depending on the election year, we remain a deeply divided country. This division also happens in many other nations, particularly the West. While one side seeks to wield power over the other, the polarization that is taking place is being orchestrated by an unseen hand. Satan is the great divider, and humanity remains blind to the source of all division. We ignore the spiritual realm to our peril.

Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.

This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Wayne VanSandt, Deb Turner, and David Negele

“Imagine you are a fish in a koi pond. Your entire life and attention are engaged in a battle between the speckled koi and the solid koi, each vying for control of the pond. Neither side has any idea that above the surface of the water, there is an entire world of beings far greater in intelligence in a realm they can’t comprehend. These beings breathe air, walk on two legs, and possess amazingly advanced technology. They are the ones fomenting the koi division that is polarizing the koi. These beings created the division between the koi to distract the koi from what they are really doing… taking over the pond.

Stop fighting each other! Look above the surface.” - Scott Mitchell

All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

Matthew 12:22-30, Amos 3:3, Ephesians 6:12, Acts 23:6-8, Matthew 3:5-8, Matthew 16:1-12, Daniel 2:40-44, Revelation 13:4-7, Revelation 6:12-17, Ezekiel 22:23-31, Psalm 115:16, Psalm 115:16, Revelation 19:11-21, Psalm 146:1-10

The polarization of nations continues to distract us from the spiritual battle we wage. We don't fight this enemy with physical weapons; we fight it with the Word of God. Political engagements are an entanglement that diverts our attention away from the spiritual realm. Don't be deceived! Don't place your trust in men or princes! Only the Lord Jesus Christ can restore the mess Satan has made of this world's divided kingdoms.

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