If there were no men, who would women need protection from?

1 month ago

In this video I discuss a duet I did on Tiktok that went viral on Instagram asking the question "If there were no men, who would women need protection from?" Well, this sparked a lot of outrage and the schmenz descended into the comments section to spew all sorts of vitriol and misogynistic tropes. I wanted to know if this was true, are men right? Are women unable to survive without our male counterparts? Are we unable to build and maintain infrastructures and come to peaceful terms without extreme violence without male intervention? So I looked it up! Here's what I discovered! Let's get into it!

#womensempowerment #feminism #genderequality #endpatriarchy #socialjustice

Tiktok video credit:

Hi everyone!

I’m Dayna Patreace the magical black fairy who's just a young woman out here living and existing on this ghetto planet we call Earth. 🌎

Welcome to my channel Black Fairy Tingz where I share my thoughts, experiences and journey with those who it may resonate with. Please be aware that my intention is in no way to tell you who to be, what to believe or even what you should or should not be doing. I just know how hard it is to step and venture into worlds unknown, trying to discover… no, rediscover who you are and where you're from. I’m a bit older now, so I’ve learned some valuable lessons that I feel can help others who may be going through, or have gone through similar things and I believe this is where I can make that difference. So pull up a seat! Let’s be friends, let’s vibe! And don’t forget to like, share, comment, subscribe and click that notification 🔔.

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Self healing, healing journey, manifestation, life lessons, laws of the universe, manifest, Spiritual guidance, spiritual message, spiritual journey, spiritual evolution, lessons learned, advice, my opinion, law of attraction, intuition, emotional intelligence, dating, vlog, dating stories, story time, Devine femininity, femininity,

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