International Public Notice: More Proof of Usurpation by Corporations By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5200 Video - International Public Notice: More Proof of Usurpation by Corporations - Saturday, January 4, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

One of the most interesting and blatant ways you can observe the Usurpation against our lawful American Government and all other Lawful Governments impacted by the Great Fraud, is the inversion of the definition of "public and private interests".

The "public interests" of the British Territorial Corporations operating as "States of States", like "the State of Wisconsin" --- are in fact private interests.

The entity doing business as "the State of Wisconsin, Inc." is a foreign, privately-owned, for-profit franchise corporation. It has no actual public interest to promote, but it will pretend to act in "the public interest" and perniciously define its own employees and dependents as the "public" it serves.

This is in contrast to the Public Interests of Wisconsin, the State, which are indeed public and not private at all.

Another way to understand this is to realize that their public is our private, and our private is their public. Everything about the situation and definitions involved are inverted.

Their "public elections" are for their private citizenry and their private corporate offices, and are in fact not public elections in our sense of those same words.

We are often talking about two (or quite possibly three) different "publics".

When they accuse us of running a "private bank", it is from their standpoint, looking over the fence. It's private with respect to their "public", but public with respect to our Public.

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