Article 5199 Video - International Public Notice: "Eternal War" By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5199 Video - International Public Notice: "Eternal War" - Saturday, January 4, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

So long ago that --- in the human timeframe reckoning, like a Mayfly"s reckoning of our time scale --- it cannot be comprehended, there was War in the Heavens.

In the beginning all those present now passed through a developmental stage as "reptilians". The truth of this can be easily seen if you look closely at your own skin, which is in the form of scales, not unlike a snake or lizard's scales.

On a more sophisticated level, the "secondary brain" controlling the autonomic functions of the body is, most often, reptilian in origin.

So none of us have any cause or reason to look down on reptilians or to deny our own reptilian origins; we all owe a debt to the reptilian ancestors who bequeathed these and other gifts to us.

We say this to rebuke in advance any wholesale phobia or hatred of reptilian species. You cannot hate or fear them without hating and fearing a part of yourself --- and it is a part you cannot live without.

That said ---

The reptoid races of this Universe are many and varied; during the War in the Heavens, giant reptiles roamed the Earth. Some of them we call dinosaurs. Some we call Leviathans. Some we call dragons. They lived and fought and died here long before the race of Man, but their petrified remains are scattered upon the Earth and are still visible, if one pays attention and knows where to look.

During the War in the Heavens a race of Dragons (we still use the word "dragon" and "dragoon") from the Star System Draco, attacked the Orion Star System, and largely overran it. They subdued the indigenous Orions (Aryans) and began a society based on a rigid caste system established by bloodline and birth.

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