AMAZING POLLY - Rich Creeps Want to Live Forever - Bio Tech Cultists and their War on Death

22 days ago

This is a Polly video from May 2023.

The following links were shared either by Sabrina/Psinergy or DESPOT Telegram (I can not recall which):
"Numerous companies—including Blackrock Neurotech, BrainGate, Synchron, and Elon Musk’s Neuralink—have BCI technology in development, with potential applications that include monitoring brain activity in people with neurological disorders, restoring vision in the blind, helping people with paralysis to regain control and feeling in their limbs, and enabling humans to control machines (including planes and weapons) using only their mind."

I have a personal story as to why this could be a good thing. One of my younger cousins (she was 53) had a stroke three years ago that nearly took her life. She is unable to use her left arm and her left leg is very weak. I wonder if this technology would be able to help her regain the use of her arm and leg.

Self-Healing Injectable Hydrogels for Tissue Regeneration

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