Selective Fire Test II

2 months ago

I updated the script so as to allow for two types of ammo, instead of one.
It worked. However, I will drop this script, because I got some ideas for explosive gunpowder ammunitions after playing Glenmoril yesterday, which would require several entries in the script, leading to save file bloat.
Also, both versions of the script conflicted with the Auto Unequip Ammo mod (Nexus 56541) which is used in my playthroughs. When switching from the musket back to the crossbow, the crossbow ammo would not be equipped automatically, and I had to equip it from the inventory or favorites menus. That's because this script conflicted with AUA scripts for automatic equipping.
For me, gameplay is much more important than immersion, and the faster the gameplay is, the better. But the idea is there, for those who want immersive use of gunpowder weapons.

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