I Hope I Made You Proud - Written By Mark Spencer

2 months ago

This song is dedicated to the men and women who serve(d), and fight or fought for, this country, from the American Revolution, up to our most recent conflicts. The military is often a means to an end. Some, who can't afford the cost of a college education, and didn't earn a scholarship, choose military service to gain the experience and education, that will allow them to compete in today's competitive work environment. That is, most often, their goal when they join, unless a war that threatens world stability, or our way of life is happening. The vast majority of our fighting men and women, fight for personal reasons, like family, friends, and possible future children. They don't fight for politicians, political parties. or governments. The ultimate goal for most, is to live to see a better world, of peace, prosperity, and freedom. If you like my songs, please consider hitting the "Like" and "Follow" buttons, to help my them more people. Thank you.

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