Maharishikaa | On Prime Minister, Narendra Modi!

1 month ago

Maharishikaa responds to Lino Thalmann, who asks for Her views on Narendra Modi - a leader often referred to as a right-wing extremist by the mainstream media.

Maharishikaa reveals the essence of what drives this leader, describing his approach towards the governance of his country. She highlights the challenges faced by politicians governing nations with millions of citizens, pointing out that it would be unrealistic to expect them to make perfect decisions every time.

Maharishikaa gives a historical context about Narendra Modi and Bhaarat (India) - the most ancient living culture in the world. She traces the origins of the pro-Hindu RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh), which shaped Narendra Modi’s ideology. She explains that the RSS was set up in post-colonial, colonialized India, which had lost its identity after centuries of violent invasions by the Muslims and then the Christians. These invasions resulted in the worst holocaust in the history of the world, which saw the deaths of over 250 million Hindus over an eight hundred year span.
Despite being free from British rule, early Indian leaders continued to give greater respect and power to Western-Christian values, over the ancient freedom ethos of Sanatana Dharma. Forgetting their Sanatani roots, these early leaders shunned and condemned Hinduism in the formative years of India.

The RSS aimed to preserve Hindu values based on the fundamental belief that all the world is one family, there are many paths to the divine, and every path is valid.

Maharishikaa propounds that Bhaarat’s fundamental identity is rooted not in wealth or business, but in spiritual knowledge.

Maharishikaa declares that Narendra Modi will go down in history as the leader who made possible India‘s renaissance as Bhaarat…

#Maharishikaa #NarendraModi #ModiLeadership #NewIndia

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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