Epic Tank Battle In Elizavetovka

1 month ago

05.01.24 Ocheretino - Elizavetovka

Active military operations in the Krasnoarmeysk area.
Attack of the Russian Armed Forces consisting of several armored vehicles and motorized rifle units in the direction of the settlement of Elizavetovka. The assault group falls into an ambush of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Head-on tank battle. The lead tank of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is defeated (the second tank was later hit by a fiber optic drone). The armored group retreats.
The Russian Armed Forces crossed the Kazenny Torets River in the Timofeyevka area and expanded the control zone by about 2.5 km in the eastern outskirts of Krasnoarmeysk (Pokrovsk).

48.303167, 37.457177

All shots provided by the Fifth Brigade.

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