Call: It's A Satanic Race To 'Who Can Kill Off Humanity First'!

1 month ago

Note: Have you Remembered to Feel 'OFFENDED' Today?

And as I have said and written in Public here in Denmarks since 2017, and still do...

These Pedophile Psycopaths are not Fucking Stupid...

They now exatly what whey are doing...

And it has been going on for thousands of years..

The same apply for the Psycopaths who 'work' for these Psycopaths...

How many people 'work' for and support the Government?

"99,99% of all Sheeple Pussy Coward people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed!" - Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

99,99% of all the People in this world are Fucking Brainwashed Moron Idiots...

They are ALL in on it...

All Politicians are Liars!

All Democracy is an illusion!

NO ONE is 'Elected' they are all 'Selected!

The Right and Left are two sides of the same coin!

They all 'work' together in the same Satanic Fascist Pedophile Agenda 2030 'club'!

What is Needed now is a Worldwide Revolution...

And all Politicians and people who 'work' for these Psychopaths are Traitors in my world.

And what did the Real Freedom Fighters do to the Traitors in WW2 and WW1?

Yeah The Controlled Opposition Psyop LGBTQIA+ Pedophile Satanic Psychopaths are Fucking everywhere!

Nations Conspire
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