Breakfast Club: Dynastic Determinism

2 months ago

Webb: “Blacky, Remember Your Old Testament? We’re Gonna Need It, Today!”

[FOB FREEDOM, January 5, 2025] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Live from the world’s newest banana republic. . .

In the military, at some point, you’re gonna learn to use your command voice, and to sound off, “like ya got a pair”—of lungs, presumably, viewing the facts and all reasonable inferences drawn therefrom in the most favorable light to the government. And bursting out from the gate like the thoroughbred mudder, who generally preferred to come back from behind, at Churchill Downs, the Big Red Wonder of Churchill Downs, bred by an engineer and alumnus of a small, boys college in the Shenandoah, one former Secretary at Washington & Lee University may find Lucien Lauren screaming for Ronnie Turcotte not to fall off, because no horse can sustain that pace, but the question on the minds of analysts for whom the words “commando, scorched earth and commando” usually come to mind, is where in Creation is Sham? Even the war-hardened Arlington Democrats have decided to strike the tent and abandon encampment at their stable, the Arlington Courthouse Farmers Market, just a short walk from the Board of Elections, while Arlington Public School Board Chair is electing a right to remain silent. Clearly, in this school board race, Major Mike Webb, a “not a serious option” “make-a-statement candidate” is not just “the loudest voice” but the only voice, and unlike one wannabe a congressman Kennedy, this is not a new voice and is a voice saying something, loud and clear, in a plain and simple statement: school choice.

Not for lack of trying, the most educated municipality in Virginia cannot deny the fact that public school closures had not only adversely impacted students of color, but already adversely impacted by a pervasive and historic achievement gap, to which they most audibly and consistently attribute to a peculiar institution of chattel slavery, even though, according to the newest national holiday, even the slaves in Texas had been emancipated on Juneteenth 1865, and a long time has passed, but also 90% of school-aged children. While much collective angst has been expressed quite publicly, the record reflects, indisputably, that not even the NAACP, the oldest and the boldest civil rights organization had taken any affirmative action, and didn’t they start judicial activism?

And despite a controversial mass demonstration in Washington about stopping the steal of an election, has the Arlington GOP even brought a case to court to deny the science, while the Republican Governor, a shrewd businessman, had adopted a defensive posture, waiting for progressive school board districts to challenge him on issues like masks, while leaving mandates to be administered biological products formerly used to prime transgenic mice for cancer research as a matter of personal choice. But all politics is local, and somebody who is not running for Governor has been recognized by progressives as far away as Seattle, where he hasn’t set foot since the 1990s, when some claim he wasn’t assigned to the 75th Ranger Regiment, for having been against the government response to the COVID-19 pandemic. And nobody, not even in the community with the most government scientists, ranked 14th in the nation for holders of graduate degrees, can claim he had no science to support his arguments that had begun in courts as early as March 2020, when the pandemic declaration had been declared.

“Well, Howard, I have to admit I am quite surprised by some of the responses in this most enlightened community. I have people who don’t even know who I am, and I’ve headlined on Kimmel, and docketed a dozen cases for certiorari at the court where Brown was decided. Not even NAACP cares about no Blacks on the school board, but they can sure tell you how many Blacks are not in the Trump Administration cabinet. What does that have to do with your kid who can’t even get into Howard, much less Harvard? I get a lot of I don’t have any kids; so, I don’t care about the school board race. I get, and I love this: I already voted. Hello, van Winkle, but we have elections every year. Please try to keep up with the reading. But I did have one honest fella who says to me, I disagree with everything you stand for. Well, slide over, Rosa Parks and gimme a seat,” remarked Major Mike Webb.

In progressive Arlington there are churches that fly rainbow colored flags larger than the cross atop the steeple, have large signs proclaiming the social justice gospel in the praxis of Black Lives Matter, with bold letters bigger than the name of Jesus, their Lord and Savior, and while one slain civil rights leader, a member of the clerical profession had said something about an irrelevant social club and ministers going to a meeting for the Jericho Road Improvement Association, not even Tim Kaine, who would share last meals with his clients as a defense attorney brought a case about kids all knew would be hurt by closed schools, but will talk all day about keeping guns out of these institutions where open-minded people respect the preferences of children for personal pronouns, children, 43% of whom were deemed not qualified to matriculate at 91% selective VCU, schools in which one mom and former school teacher initiated not even one measure or proposed one plan to raise the performance of kids in public schools she had given a letter grade of “D”. And clearly, in 2021, the voters made their well-informed choice and chose walking on shells over guns a ‘blazing.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE!

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