If the Last Days: Holding Fast to Yahuah's Commands – Psalm 119:35-48

1 month ago

Imagine we are in the last days—when evil has revealed itself to be far worse than we ever imagined. The days are cut short for the sake of the elect, just as Yahusha promised. The faithful are winded, weary from the darkness surrounding the earth. Yet, even now, we find refuge in Yahuah's commands, longing for His truth to revive our souls.

Psalm 119:35-48 echoes our cry for deliverance and the steadfast desire to walk in the path of righteousness. When falsehood seems overwhelming and wickedness prevails, His Word remains our anchor. We cling to His Turah, waiting for His kindness and salvation, that we might continue to declare His witnesses before all—unashamed and unshaken.

Hold fast to Yahuah's truth in these days, final or more birth pains to come. His promises endure forever.

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