Vampires are used as a metaphor to portray people with anti-social personality disorders, and more

11 days ago

Ok, about that video I was going to talk about now, that I have seen it:

1. I noticed that when she talks about "evil" people she doesn't bring up psychopaths, or those non-psychopaths who do evil. She brings up other anti-social personality disorders, and she doesn't specify. For example, those who become different people according to their environment, that's more of what psychopaths do. Narcissists have grandiose sense of self, and they tend to act that way. Narcissists can do great harm when money is involved, and when they do not see a way out of a situation. Because they do have feelings unlike psychopaths, but someone is in their way, for example, spouses in a custody battle, or not wanting to pay alimony or child support. They could cause great harm to that person who is making their life difficult, and disregard that person's well-being and cause them harm.

2. I like how she tries to state her case, that was interesting, yet I disagree with some parts, for example, when she says something peculiar like, narcissistic people wish they were
invisible and or they could fly.

3. I like how she brought up a few psychologists and authors such as Sigmond Freud and few others, and I like how she ended the video.

And here are the links, I said I would post:
Her video:

What Makes Me A Psychopath_ (Full Documentary) _ Real Crime (4 minutes and 6 seconds into the video):

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