"The universe is a hologram or illusion created inside our head.”

1 month ago

Mirrored: https://www.youtube.com/@secretkeyactivator/videos

Exerpt: The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamisson Neruda

Sarah: “How can everyone in this universe be a part of this deception? I don’t understand.”

Dr. Neruda: “Our entire universe is created. I’m not saying it is the universe. I’m saying that
what we call the universe, as far as we can observe, is part of the hologram implanted within
our consciousness framework and human interface. Our mind consciousness established the
spatial-temporal relationships of everything we see, and as I said, this is part of our program.
And this includes the universe.
“Why do you think that our best minds on the planet cannot define consciousness, let alone
the subconscious and unconscious mind? It is programmed this way. Anu did not want us to
figure it out. We’ll look at neural information and decide it can be sliced a thousand different
ways, but it still doesn’t explain how it’s experienced.
“As Aristotle said some 2,300 years ago, ‘To be conscious that we are perceiving, is to be
conscious of our own existence.’ That is a good description of I AM. So, are we an isolated life
form that confronts our external, separate reality? No, we are connected to all. That is why I
AM WE ARE is the critical inception point for our identity. Any being that does not confirm
their belief in this, is not aware of reality. It doesn’t matter where they exist or what vessel they
wear. It doesn’t matter if they want to save humanity. They must first act from this inception.
“The universe, as immense as it appears, is a hologram inside a programmed existence which
every human being agrees is reality. That agreement informs the unconscious mind—again, a
part of the human interface that Anu created—and collectively we all see our world the same
way, more or less.
“We have been told there are trillions of planets with life. That the universe is abundant with
life forms in various dimensions, but what we know is here. On earth. The tangible, visible
earth. Are there other beings? Of course. I’ve seen them. Will they save humanity? They can’t.
They can only support. It isn’t about anyone or anything saving us. It is about a redefinition
process that can only occur within each individual entity. It isn’t about being beamed up or
ascending to some higher, protected dimension. This will be done in the physical body as
human beings, by human beings, for human beings.”

Sarah: “I mean the whole notion of the universe being a hologram or illusion created inside
our head.”

Dr. Neruda: “Science is not able to explain it. The counterlogical nature of the universe—in
terms of quantum behavior—is impossible to explain. Some scientists have relented to
explaining it all away as hidden variables. But frankly, what the WingMakers have explained is
that we’re creating the universe through the human interface Anu provided us by
reinterpreting sound vibrations through our five senses.”

Sarah: “But all the human misery, just to run an experiment?”

Dr. Neruda: “Remember the human machine is not real. It’s the equivalent of a spacesuit
with artificial intelligence and a sense-and-respond sensory system. The astronaut—us—is
infinite. It cannot be killed or hurt or destroyed. While the experimentation looks miserable
from a human perspective, it is vibrant with learning on many other levels, one of which is to
build the awareness in all beings of never allowing this deception to occur again.

If You're Not Ready To Question EVERYTHING, You're Not "Awake." Period.
We live and die in a world of lies.
We have all been lied to from cradle to grave.
What if you woke up one morning, say this morning, with the crazy
notion that everything you had ever been told was a lie? Everything you
were taught in school, from your parents, from religion, and from TV was a
form of deception? That all the systems you trusted, that you believed were
created for your best interest, were false? A calculated series of lies
designed as a type of control mechanism, to keep you and everyone, under
the spell of the wizards who control this realm. What if you found that
even all the areas that seem designed to assist you, such as religion,
spirituality, or self-help, were all part of the deception as well?

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