Image Comics / Cliffhanger Battle Chasers Comic Series Collection Pt. 1 from Joe Madureira 1998

1 month ago

Four brave heroes -- a stoic swordsman, a cantankerous summoner, a nine-year-old juggernaut, and an outlawed war machine -- join forces to rise against a madman whose dark reign threatens the very fabric that holds their world together. But before they have any hope of accomplishing their mission, they must overcome an even more rigorous obstacle... getting along! It's one epic adventure after another as our heroes do battle with some of the most outrageous villains ever created!

Battle Chasers Another Universe Prelude
Battle Chasers Another Universe Prelude Gold Foil edition

Issue #1
Joe Madureira wraparound cover
Joe Madureira wraparound Chromium cover
Travis Charest variant cover
Joe Madureira Another Universe exclusive Gold Foil variant cover
Joe Madureira 2nd Print variant cover

Issue #2
Joe Madureira cover
Joe Madureira Dynamic Forces Chromium cover

Issue #3
Joe Madureira cover

Issue #1
Joe Madureira Another Universe exclusive variant cover CBCS graded 9.4

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