UNIT Player's Navy Cut Birds.

19 days ago

Note: all tracks recorded under the names Academy 23 or UNIT are the property of DNA Records and protected by copyright, regardless of who wrote the works concerned. This is a track from our 50th album ‘E Pluribus Unum’.

Blackbird and young. Bullfinch and young. The Reed Bunting.
Chiffchaff and young. The Carrion Crow. Young Cuckoo with Sedge Warbler foster mother.
Curlew settling on her eggs. Stone Curlew and eggs. The Black Throated Diver.
Spotted Flycatcher and young. The Black Necked Grebe. The Great Crested Grebe.
Jay and young. Kittiwake and young. The Magpie.
The Jackdaw. The Dipper. Chaffinch and nest.
Lapwing and eggs. The Kingfisher. The Kestrel.
The Barn Owl. The Nightingale. Linnet and young.
The Raven. Little Owl asleep. The Brown Owl.
Song Thrush at her nest. Red Backed Shrike and her young. The Robin.
The Willow Warbler. Reed Warbler and young. The Great Tit.
Merlin and young. The Nightjar. The Ringed Plover.
Puffins. Sandpiper and eggs. Sparrow Hawk and young.
The House Sparrow. Mute Swan at her nest. Mistle Thrush and young.
Long Tailed Tit. The Grey Wagtail. Sedge Warbler and young.
Whinchats. The Whitethroat. The Wren.
The Green Woodpecker. Yellowhammer and young.
Player’s Navy Cut Wild Birds with the compliments of John Player & Sons,
branch of The Imperial Tobacco Company of Great Britain & Ireland Limited.

Text & Music: Andy Martin.

If you are interested in the work of 2 earlier groups, The Apostles (1982-1989) and Academy 23 (1990-1997), each related to certain members of UNIT, their complete recorded works can now be found on our Bit Chute channel. Type Bit Chute Andy Martin to locate it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The paypal address is now ctmurrell1970@gmail.com.

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