ISRAEL'S Latest SHOCKING Act Throws Syria Into PANIC!

2 months ago

Right, so if you were Israel and you had designs on expanding your country, under the Greater Israel ideology and you wanted to stretch Jerusalem as far as Damascus, what would be the easiest way to bring Syria to its knees, to heel and be able to do that with as little effort as possible? What can the people of Syria not live without, no matter how rich or poor they might be?
Israel has continued to invade southern Syria, having already seized land along the border between Syria and Lebanon and despite please from the new Syrian leadership that they are Israel’s friends, that they have nothing to fear from them and they wish to be allies, Israel has just continued to encroach further. More and more it appears that Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, HTS, the Al Qaeda and Islamic State scraps now putting on suits and offering up the appearance of civility are kidding themselves if they thought help from Israel to overthrow Assad wouldn’t come with a price and the price is they’re now coming for you, because you’ve outlasted your usefulness.
Right, so if you answered water to that thing nobody in Syria can live without, then you’d be right, I don’t think it was much of a poser to ask really, but it is going grossly underreported in coverage of Israel’s encroachment of more and more Syrian territory, that they have been seizing control of water sources as primary goals and that goal appears more and more to be aligning with that Greater Israel ideology so many in the genocidal blue and white state espouse.
Here's that map I’ve shown on several videos now, the plan for Greater Israel and if I told you now that the areas Israel have been pushing into in southern Syria, which you can see marked on the map along the border with Jordan which is directly south of Syria there and you can see all of that blue all of that Greater Israel planned territory which takes in most of Syria and all of Jordan and I now tell you that Israel right now have currently taken control of 30% of all the water sources supplying Syria and 40% of all the water supplying Jordan, you can begin to see how this strategy tallies up with this crackpot conquest ideology disturbingly well. By seizing control of the water you’re well on your way to seizing a country and even more so is that the case in the dry and arid Middle East.
Israel as we know, following the fall of Assad, quickly moved into the Syrian border regions monitored by UNDOF, the UN Disengagement Observer Force from the already illegally occupied Golan Heights and quickly set about seizing control of the governate of Quneitra and moving further south into the Yarmouk river basin, the Yarmouk being the largest tributary of the River Jordan and thus it feeds much of the water supplies to both Syria and Jordan.
Al of this was going on whilst the more publicised land grabs of Mount Hermon on the Syria Lebanon border was going on, this was going under the radar somewhat but the ramifications are just as bad, if not worse.
Moving on from the Yarmouk basin, Israeli forces set about seizing control of the Al-Wahda Dam on the Yarmouk river itself, and this has been followed in the New Year by the seizure of the Al-Mantara Dam in the Quneitran countryside, the largest dam in southern Syria, the largest reservoir in southern Syria therefore, meaning that to date Israel now control 6 of Syria’s primary water sources.
Whilst this was going on more targets in Damascus were struck, all despite the protestations of the new Syrian regime that they are Israel’s besties, that they have no beef with Israel and looking all the more foolish for it the longer their tune doesn’t change and with their water supplies in the south west of Syria now under increasing threat, more and more Syrians I daresay will be wondering who’s side their new overlords are on, theirs or the Zionists attacking them daily. I’ll come back to HTS and Al-Jolani’s response to that in a moment though, because finally there might be signs of a shift.
It isn’t just in the south where Syria’s water supplies have come under threat though, it is happening in the north as well.
Turkey as this channel has also previously covered, is banging the war drums, and using their Syrian National Army proxies – not the same as the Syrian Army that operated under Basher al-Assad – this lot are largely mercenaries made up of disparate groups of former terrorists themselves to make war on the US aligned Kurds. This actually happened back in November of last year, the tail end of a five year bombing campaign by Turkey on the Syrian Kurds, adding to the water problems this particularly drought stricken part of Syria already suffers, notably over the last 4 years as climate change has affected these northern areas harshly.
So water problems in the north, an ongoing battle anyway against climate change, the river Barada for example that flows into Damascus fully dries up in summer these days apparently and now Israel seizing reservoirs and other water infrastructure, cutting it off to the surrounding towns and governates from Quneitra to Daraa What is Ahmed Al-Sharaa, still best known as Al-Jolani going to do about this, because it seems his days of claiming to be no threat to Israel and wanting to further their alliance, given their backing for his outfit to take down Assad, might be nearing the end?
Well it seems he’s taken his issues with Israel, having got nowhere in trying to convince Netanyahu to back off, to their financiers in the US instead, or rather their soon to be financiers, because he has apparently gone to Donald Trump already over this.
Having told Israel to leave Syria and for Israel to just carry on seizing more land, he’s essentially told the US to get out of Syria and take their toddler tantrum proxies in the blue and white state with them.
Some might argue who’s proxies are whose here given the control Israel has over too many western politicians, but the money is flowing from the US to Israel to keep this genocide going after all, Joe Biden showing he’s learned absolutely nothing from his parties loss over the incessant funding of Israel is now pressing to send them another $8bn in arms before he is finally kicked out, to forever be remembered in the history books as Genocide Joe.
Al Jolani has told Trump to get Israel out, move back to the other side of Mount Hermon, and tacked an ‘or else’ onto the end of it. Leave the buffer zone on the Syrian side of the occupied Golan Heights or else is the message.
Well, the or else might not carry an awful lot of weight, since whilst he was at it, Al Jolani also requested humanitarian aid for Syria, a nation which also still happens to be under US sanction at that, so perhaps he’s not in the position he thinks he is to be making demands of the US, but alternatively, the US risk making Al Jolani another enemy of theirs if they don’t show some willingness to work with him and lets face it, they were happy to finance matters to see Assad fall weren’t they?
Requests for aid imply HTS are stretched thin and that likely goes for their military capabilities as well, and that goes double when you consider Israel has been targeting Syrian military assets to prevent HTS inheriting them and using them, none of it is the action of a friend but very much a foe, with friends like Israel, who needs enemies, and slowly but surely it appears this might finally be damning on Al Jolani and his bunch of head choppers.
Israel for their part, conveniently are denying getting any such messages from Syria. Well they would, wouldn’t they?
So is this the Greater Israel plan being enacted or not? Tactically it would appear so and adding more fuel to the fire was a tweet from Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi, possibly the same guy not picking up the phone to Syria right now given his role, but on the 29th December he tweeted out, upon a visit to the tunnels under the Al Aqsa Mosque – contentious enough in itself that:
‘This morning I was privileged to enter the Western Wall tunnels, go back in time in the excavations under the Western Wall plaza, and pray in the holy place opposite the Temple Mount, courtesy of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation. I prayed for the success of the people of Israel, for the return of our warriors adorned with the crown of salvation and the wreath of victory, and for the soon return of our kidnapped loved ones home. These days, when Israeli soldiers are victorious in all directions, I am reminded of the words of the Midrash: “The gates of Jerusalem will reach to the gates of Damascus” – the spiritual strength of Jerusalem illuminates our path and connects us together. May it be our will that through this holy place and the light of the holiday of Hanukkah, we will see miracles and wonders, as it did for our ancestors in those days at this time.’
Gates of Jerusalem would reach the gates of Damascus eh? What do you think? Is this Greater Israel being meted out or is it just coincidence? Do let me know in the comments.
Meanwhile, speaking of sending threats of repercussions, Lebanon has been doing it too, or more specifically Hezbollah have as the number of ceasefire violations committed by Israel since November 27th passes the 1000 mark, begging the question where are the overseers? Well if you wanted to know what they’ve been doing, wonder no more, check out this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch to find out all about that. Do also hit like, share and subscribe before you do so though, to ensure you don’t miss new daily content and to help support the channel which is very much appreciated and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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