Seems Insurrection-y: D.C. Protesters Pull Out The Left's Greatest Hits In Denying Trump's Win

2 months ago

Posted • January 4, 2025: Donald J. Trump's inauguration as the 47th President of the United States is just a little more than two weeks away and we are really hoping it goes a lot more peacefully than the last time he was sworn in. That may be wishful thinking, however. While the dead legacy media would love to pretend it never happened, our Twitchy Wayback Machine does go back to Jan. 20, 2017. The anti-Trumpers set much of the city on fire in protest and even tried to set a Trump supporter on fire. Nice people, right? Our hopes for a calm Inauguration Day were dashed a little more yesterday when a crowd of protesters gathered in Washington, D.C. to demand that Congress not allow Trump to take office. Seems pretty insurrection-y, doesn't it? Protesters in DC have assembled and are saying Congress should not certify Trump as president. So much for Democrats accepting the results of elections.

Honestly, they brought out so many of the left's failed, false narratives in this clip that we thought it might be an SNL sketch … if that show was still funny. And the main speaker in the clip, Clifton Freeman Cash, IS a stand-up comedian (or at least he calls himself one, though we've never heard of him), but he was serious in everything he said here. The 'Lock Him Up' chants, the 14th Amendment (even though Trump was never charged with anything close to insurrection, let alone convicted), that the Democrats did nothing wrong in this election, election denialism, and what would a leftist protest be without screaming about 'Russia, Russia, Russia'? They just never get tired of playing the same old warped and scratched-up record, do they? Arrest and prosecute each one as an insurrectionist. Those are the rules that Democrats have wanted to play by for the past four years, aren't they?

They shouldn't be surprised if Republicans want to play by the same rules (except we all know that Trump will not have any of these people arrested unless they become violent). Wait……Democrats not accepting the results of an election?!!! By their own admission, this is treasonous, a threat to democracy & an insurrection! The left loved sowing season. Somehow, we don't think that they will enjoy reaping season nearly as much. -- Klan rally. Look at these white supremacists trying to stop the election certification... bc there's no other people in that group besides white liberals. -- That small crowd does look rather … ahem … monochromatic, doesn't it? Not to mention old. Maybe they just don't want to have to share a nursing home with 'handsy and sniffy' Joe Biden when he finally gets the boot from the White House.

These people are such clowns. Russia Collusion 2.0 It really is embarrassing how many people at this point lack the ability of cognitive reasoning. It is the leftist way. Why take personal responsibility for your failures when you can just blame some imaginary external force? That's MUCH easier. Democrats: Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and an election denier. Also democrats: ➡️ -- Projection is also the leftist way. Because, democracy: -- Funny how the self-described 'defenders of democracy' only accept elections when they go their way, isn't it? I’m not sure this sign is sending the message that “We’re fighting fascism” 🤣 -- HA. The left isn't really any great shakes at self-awareness either. But…but…Jeffries just said Democrats aren’t election deniers. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Seems Insurrection-y: DC Protesters Pull Out the Left's Greatest Hits in Denying Trump's Win

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