13 Genesis 2:4-17 (Creation & Garden of Eden)

1 month ago

The Lord Wants Us In An Interim Eden
I. Review
II. Genesis 2:4-14
A. Opening poem
B. Creation Continued
1. Two creation accounts?
a. Welhausen-Graf Hypothesis (Solution 1)
b. Literary device (Solution 2)
2. The Garden of Eden (2:8)
Ecclesiastes 2:5
a. Historical location of the garden (2:10-14)
b. Current status of the garden?
III. How Should We Then Live?
1. God is personal and cares for you.
2. As He provided an environment for Adam, He has one for us:
a. The family is an interim Eden.
b. The Church is an interim Eden.
1.) Understand biblical ecclesiology.
2.) Have clear and defined roles and structures.
3.) The leaders must keep it together.
4.) Practice Matthew 18.
3. The Father’s house is the final Eden.
John 14:1-3

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