meet your future internet friend, influencer, and subversive manipulator

2 months ago

'you think that's air your breathing?' - Morpheus
similarly, do you think that source you started following is a real person? does it matter to you? or do you not mind following a robot with an agenda to control, manipulate and dominate you without you even knowing what's happening? Do you really think there aren't already bots and programmed trolls on the internet? there have been for many years, but now they are tailored to adapt to your likes and dislikes, how many commenters an subscribers are real? how many shit channels are overly inflated with fake people in order to get you to think, 'they have lots of followers so they must be popular, they are popular because they are saying something worth listening to'. we already see this on rumble, and have seen YouTube control view counts so the public would not be fully aware of 'what's really trending', this has been going on ever since YouTube was created!!! and its only going to get worse! question it all, this is the smart approach, do not be the dupe. how many people have already committed suicide with their intimate involvement with AI chat programs? more than a few for sure, its a danger, very real danger to society and make no mistake, it'll be after you soon too! enjoy the free internet with real people while you can!
Non-Anonymous Charity (channels)
(sub-channels on youtube/rumble)
HS inspired worship videos and Scripture/Messages
The Revelation of Jesus Christ **fully animated** (James Earl Jones narration KJV)
Jesus Christ's/Tribulation Saint's victory over satan/antichrist explained through movies
The Most Powerful Hell Fire Sermon - Pastor Charles Lawson
MP3 format - zip collection downloads of this content available here
audio - Who Is The Antichrist 8 Part Series Complete MP 3 Only ( Non Anonymous Charity)

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