Don't Buy Into The Fear - Get The Facts

17 days ago

"The bottom line that everybody needs to be aware of, of course, the CDC doesn't have much credibility these days. But even the CDC is making this statement in its website that the risk associated with bird flu is low. So here's the key things that people need to keep in mind that I'm empowering you, the audience."

"So here's the way that any professional ought to be looking at any emerging infectious disease outbreak. Two key points to consider. Number 1, are you seeing a high level of death in hospitalization on a per case basis? In other words, what's the case fatality rate?"

"Is it high or is it low? And the second thing that you need to look for is whether or not there's evidence of sustained human to human transmission. Now, what Leana Wen is citing and also Bob Redfield, former CDC director, who seems to have gone rogue again, is the old, debunked, outdated WHO statements that bird flu historically has been associated with approximately a 50% case fatality rate. That is pure unadulterated fear porn. What it represents is an artifact of data sampling."

Mama Bears urge all parents to please stop blindly trusting the medical establishment and research before you allow your child to be injected with anything. Please visit our website to be directed to numerous sources of information so you can make an informed decision.

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