2 months ago

Once upon a time, North America (and other places) was home to cities of great architecture, buildings constructed at now unbelievable speed. Then, around the turn of the 20th century, cities started burning down and World Fairs were deconstructed. (see my video, moving megaliths). Downfalls of great civilizations seem to have both a divine and manmade element and the past achievements must have seemed something supernatural to humans living today. Plus, there were true and well meaning geniuses, like Nikolai Tesla, whose technological developments were suppressed, stolen and hidden away, along with many other historical artifacts and inventions.
So, here we have still another facet of society that "elites" have pirated, looted and absconded = another MESS of MANY that needs to be cleaned up and reclaimed, for the good of We the People (TRUE HUMAN BEINGS) of planet Earth. A total overhaul and reformation of government, intelligence, law enforcement, judicial justice, education, healthcare, food, infrastructure and the list goes on, starting with the border wall national security, immigration, deportation. What a MESS!
They need to be eradicated and wiped off the face of the Earth.
All of these/our problems stemmed from one source. The original liar.
Mysticism & Secret Societies + "Magic"/ Smoke & Mirrors
Freedom & Free Energy vs. WMDs, DEWs, EMPs.
Psychopaths - stone cold hearted
Sociopaths - numb & selfish
Narcissistic - superficial, shallow
Neurotic - irrational, paranoid
NORMAL - peaceful, considerate
Make your "religion" LOVE as a way of life.
God is Love and not the other way around, in reverse opposition.
EVOL DOG 666 The Day of the Jackal.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a WALL....!

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