Kamloops Pool BS

2 months ago

ever since covid, which including the "rebuilding of the "canada games pool" that was built in 1993, the city of kamloops, like many other municipalities across Canada have turned into unaccountable control freaks.

"they" have deemed swimming pools as a risk, and as such now do not allow more than 30 people to use the pool on weekends.

to make matters worse, the assholes are going to build ANOTHER pool at a cost of 100 million just bc there are not enough spaces for swimming lessons.

but notice, they only hold lessons for 12 kids at time, when there are aproximently 10 000 parents with kids wishing for swimming lessons.

but my question is; wtf can the parents not take the time to teach their own children?
a better question is wtf parents don't take the child to the pool when its a baby, bc its well documented children are BORN knowing how to swim, it comes from living in fluid for 9 months.

we did this with our child, and further on we mentored and enjoyed time with our child every year, so as he get older they, he devolped better skills.

not only that, but it was my son who taught ME how to swim. bc as a child I was not given the benifit of parents who cared enough to teach me as a child, and I was even punished if I went near the river as a child bc of the dangers.

so I didn't learn to swim until I was an adult.

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