2 days ago

on January 4th, 2025.
This section is 37 minutes of rabbis and other j3wish people speaking on many different subjects.
False Flags: Committing an atrocious act, and blaming another party or nation for it. The point is to turn public opinion against an entity, and have someone else fight your battles for you.
Lusitania Churchill, who was 1/2 jewish, leaked intelligence to Germany that Lusitania carried munitions, and then it was sent it in a U-boat infested area. The ship was supposedly torpedoed, and a massive bomb exploded, killing 1200. This set the stage for Wilson to bring the USA into WW2, at a later date.
Kristallnacht: When government officials were away, jewish-paid thugs went on a rampage in Berlin and some border towns. National Socialists were blamed, and world opinion favored the jews.
Bromberg massacre: An estimated 58,000 German civilians lost their lives in the massacres carried out prior to the 1939 invasion. A website on the atrocity at Bromberg explains how Polish Bolshevik jews massacred 5,500 Germans, on one ‘Bloody Sunday, in 1939. This was the flashpoint for the Polish invasion.
The King David Massacre July 22, 1946: jewish terrorists blew up a hotel, and killed 91 British soldiers, and blamed the atrocity on Arabs. When later caught, they said the British had a list of their Arab spies and were going to turn them over to the Palestinians. The goal of the False Flag was to pit the British against the Palestinians.
Lavon affair In 1954: Israeli agents working in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including a United States diplomatic facility, and left evidence behind implicating Arabs as the culprits. The ruse would have worked, had not one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to capture and identify one of the bombers, which in turn led to the round up of an Israeli spy ring
RFK Assassination June, 1968: Robert Kennedy is shot by a PLO bus-boy named Sirhan Sirhan. Kennedy was running for President, and would have sought revenge over the Israeli killing of his brother. The use of a Palestinian was a little too ‘Hollywood’.
USS Liberty, June 6th, 1967: Six fighters, three torpedo boats and two assault helicopters attacked the USS Liberty. There were 24 dead and 177 maimed. F-4 phantoms were enroute when President Johnson stopped the rescue. Israel’s plan was to blame Egypt, and have the US retaliate against Egypt.
Black September 5, 1972: Eight Palestinian “Black September” terrorists seized 11 Israeli athletes in the Olympic Village in Munich, West Germany. In the rescue attempt by West German authorities, nine of the hostages, and five terrorists were killed. Israel, and it’s jews, are once again the victim, and the Palestinians are demons.
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